This image is the first of a series called Ensemble Chemistry I created for the R.B.MANVILLE blog. These style boards were intended to put the product in an editorial context that might inspire a customer to incorporate the product into their own wardrobe. It’s always important to show how to wear certain products. Especially an item like a pocket square who’s soul purpose is to mix with other pieces in exciting ways. Mixing prints can be a terrifying act for many people. These style boards hopefully provide some fashionable peace of mind!
The following copy is as it appears on the blog:
No matter how much of a “star” a pocket square can be, (…and we are understandably a bit biased on this point) we have to admit a square is most often playing a supporting role in an ensemble cast of equally talented and extraordinary pieces. Finding the right balance of strengths is completely worth the effort when your result is a classic sartorial blockbuster.
We decided to put a few ensembles together, in the form of style boards for some visual reference. Our mission: see how some of our favorite squares perform in a group. We also wanted to give an idea of how well our squares might integrate into a wardrobe.
Most of our squares feature a variety of colors. This can make it easier to find visual relationships with other pieces or inspire combinations. Classic pieces, dressy, casual, modern, vintage… its all good. It is all about the mix.
So, mix it up. With multiple folding possibilities, colors and prints we’re sure our squares will bring enough “it factor” to create perfect fashion chemistry!
Check out the blog here.